How to Motivate Yourself

Three Elements

Purpose:  You must have a reason for doing something.  Here are two you can try on for size:

  •  Everything you learn can grow the powers of your mind and make you a more creative and productive person

  • With each learning, you increase your power to help other people and the world in which you live.

Competence:  You must believe you can learn to do new things then acquire the skills.  Realize your brain can grow with the right kind of practice.

Autonomy:  You are in charge of your own education.  Take charge.  Start growing your mind today.  Continue to work on it every day.

How Your Brain Can Grow

Here's an article from Lisa Blackwell on how your brain can grow and get smarter. 

It's a little technical but written in fairly common language.  Here are the key parts:

"New Research shows the brain can be developed like a muscle>"
"Learning causes permanent changes in the brain."
"If you use a bad strategy, you may not learn--even if you try hard."

But if you want to read the entire article,
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